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Klaus Hoffmann studied art at the Wiesbaden Freie Kunstschule and at the Freie Kunstakademie Frankfurt.

In his works he explores the interactions of colors and forms, the special color contrasts and the effect of pure monochrome color surfaces.
In doing so, he avoids representational associations and is oriented to the art movement Concrete Art.

Mostly geometric forms, which can also show deviations and breaks, are used.
His goal is to create works that represent only themselves and do not reference things that are outside the pictorial space, in the visible world.
In addition, they should allow a sensual experience of colors and shapes and their interactions.

He works with pure, high-quality pigments that are rubbed into aqueous acrylic dispersion and applied in numerous thin layers to give depth to the color surfaces and enhance their luminosity.
Self-primed raw linen, whose natural structure remains recognizable, is used. Thus the material is included in the work and an autonomous overall work is created.

Wiesbadener Freie Kunstschule
2014 - 2019 independent art school in Wiesbaden/Germany
Focus on composition and colour theory

Freie Kunstakademie Frankfurt
2019 - 2020 independent academy of arts Frankfurt/Germany, painting


July-September 2024
Alfa Gallery, Miami-New York

July-August 2024
ART NOU 277 Gallery, Barcelona/Spain

April-June 2024
Alfa Gallery, Miami-New York

June 2024
ART NOU 277 Gallery, Barcelona/Spain

January 2024
Alfa Gallery, Miami-New York

August 2023
The Stage Gallery, Bonn, Group-Show

December 2023
Galerie M50, Oberursel

September - October 2023
The Stage Gallery, Bonn, Bonner Herbst Salon

September 2023
Haze Gallery, Berlin, Group-Show, Power of Simplicity

March - June 2023
Wiesbaden Independent Art School, 3 Group-Shows


online-exhibitions 2022-2023

February 2020
Gallus-Theater Frankfurt/Germany, Group-Show